Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Always My Little Shamrock

Today is the day. 
The day I saw you. 
You were the size of a piece of rice. 
Your heart was thumping away.  
You stole mine. 
The day you became, 
My little Shammy. 

I love you my little Shamrock. 


  1. Aw I remember that so clearly and now he is a cutie pie lil baby :) Do you remember how far along you where for that ultrasound? Tomorrow will make 6 weeks but my ultrasound is today so of course I've googled everything trying to figure out what to expect at this point.

    1. I tried to look back at your other blog but it's private now so I wasn't able to.

  2. Awe I love the before and after pics. He is such a ham :)

  3. Oh, Shammy. I remember this so well. So glad he's here and beautiful!

  4. Sweet post! And can I say he is such a cutie!!!

  5. From that little blip of a baby to that gorgeous chubby-cheeked wonder! Beautiful
